Why I love Kinesiology
Hi, my name is Robyn. I was a working mum with two young boys. I had a good job that worked with my family life, my partner’s shift work and raising our children, but I was unfulfilled and constantly looking for that thing that would make my soul sing. I can’t tell you how many courses I started, both long and short, only to never finish any of them!
Now don’t laugh but it was a simple conversation with my hairdresser in 2009 who mentioned she was seeing a Kinesiologist and I was intrigued. ‘A kinesi-what?’
That was the first I’d ever heard of this wonderful modality. I started researching and the more I read the more I was hooked! The philosophy behind it struck such a cord with my interest in energy being the basis of our being.
I had found the key to the lock!
I went on to complete the Diploma of Kinesiology and Diploma of Mind Body Medicine, and in 2022 I completed an Advanced Diploma Integrative Complementary Medicine.
My journey inward began and the external expression of who I really am became so much more authentic.
Over the course of my studies I learnt that the most important relationship is the one we have with ourself, and as I reconnected to my innate self, my life, relationships, and external world took on a whole new light, a brighter light, one I’m now blessed to be able to share with you, and your loved ones, to help you find and reconnect with your own light.
What’s not to love?
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”
The totally awesome Dr Bruce Lipton
Robyn Smith
Holistic Kinesiologist and Mind Body Medicine Practitioner
Adv Dip Integrated Complementary Medicine
Diploma of Kinesiology
Diploma of Mind Body Medicine
Certified Meditation Instructor
CertIV Training and Assessment
Professional Affiliation
Lecturer & Assessor, College of Complementary Medicine